Monday, January 23, 2012

Raison D'Etre

Tonight I am commending my own meandering project of literary questing. As a 30 something English major, I have found career, childbirth and simply life in general has pulled me from two of my first loves: Writing and Books.

And I have decided that enough is more then enough.

I have loved books as long as I can remember, and I love all books. I'm far from a book snob: If I find it, there's at least a 10% chance I'll pick it up and read it. From Archie Comics (Remember the crossover with the Punisher?) to Faulker, I consume books with the voracity of pacman after a digital pellet.

Writing is my other long lost love. I used to be quite a prolific writer until somewhere writing and I had a "falling out". Ideas would come, and I just couldn't commit. Thus writing decided enough was enough and packed its bags. Now when I compose I seem to write a sentence with all the coherency of high-school term paper featuring "LOL".

With the realization of how I had ostracized two dear pursuits, came the question- how do I develop my literary and writing skills again?

The idea really came from my husband. He suggested I start a blog (which he also has done in his areas of interest) and on something that I enjoy. I considered briefly a blog on cooking but honestly, I don't think anyone needs to hear how I come close to incinerating my kitchen once a week. I also don't think that I could do justice to a "mommy" blog (though my son is amazingly hilarious). The only thing I've ever really been truly good at is understanding and reading books.

And thus I've decided to throw my hat into the multitude of blogs about reading, books, and criticism to see if perhaps I can coax my old loves back into my life.

My pursuit will be to simply find books- any books, and write about them. Honestly, thoughtfully and hopefully bring insight and spread my enjoyment of (or on occassion, possible loathing) the books I read. If you have a suggestion on a novel, short story, literary work I should read, old or new, let me know.

Currently, I am finishing up Neil Gaiman's "American Gods" and then moving on to other selections as they present themselves to me.

I hope you enjoy my little adventure of creative and intellectual redemption.

